My wife and I are white. We adopted our wonderful African American children at birth. We strive daily to help our son grow up to be a confident, proud and loving black man and our daughter to be a confident, proud and loving black woman. I hope our experiences will help others who are doing the same.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My daughter's school increases its celebration of Black History Month

Last year I was responsible for posting a bulletin board at Marble Elementary School to celebrate Black History. The Board was a celebration of diversity rather than black history based on direction I received. This year, I was surprised to see a large display board dedicated to black history. It had dated graphics with the usual historical figures, but throughout the month, additional graphics were added for lesser known historical figures. Antonia donated a photo of Barack, Michelle, Malia and Sasha Obama. Also, Marble's Principal shared historical tidbits daily on the school's address system. Way to go Marble Elementary!

Last week I read Barack Obama's Letters to My Daughters to my daughter's class.  I have learned not to wait for my children's classes to step up to celebrating black history but instead to bring it to the class.

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