My wife and I are white. We adopted our wonderful African American children at birth. We strive daily to help our son grow up to be a confident, proud and loving black man and our daughter to be a confident, proud and loving black woman. I hope our experiences will help others who are doing the same.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Halle Berry on her daughter's race in The Marquee Blog

From The Marquee Blog  - The Oscar winner, whose mother is white and father is black, tells Ebony that she identifies herself as a black woman but plans to let 2 1/2-year-old Nahla — whose dad is white and French Canadian — make her own decision about her race when she's old enough.

"I'm not going to put a label on it," she says. "I had to decide for myself, and that's what she's going to have to decide — how she identifies herself in the world. And I think, largely, that will be based on how the world identifies her. That's how I identified myself."

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