My wife and I are white. We adopted our wonderful African American children at birth. We strive daily to help our son grow up to be a confident, proud and loving black man and our daughter to be a confident, proud and loving black woman. I hope our experiences will help others who are doing the same.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What's the Word on Yo Momma Jokes?

So my son seems to be the master of "Yo Momma" jokes lately.  I don't know what to think of this.  Sure, from a political correctness standpoint they are awful.  But, what about from a right of passage stand point? A way to have some fun with friends? I'm sure Chris Rock told Yo Momma jokes, heck he is part of one - "Yo Momma's so stupid she thinks Chris Rock is a new type of crack."  Is this offensive to you? He is not trying to hurt people's feelings, he and his friends just get to dueling with them with each other.  The other day he told us, "Yo Mama's so fat when she saw a school bus full of white kids, she hollered Twinkie."  The whole family busted up.  What do you  think? Should I place a ban on Yo' Mama jokes or just let them ride until he moves on?


  1. Greetings Family.

    Daddy nooooo! I wouldn't place a ban on the jokes for to do so would be like placing a ban on him being AA. What you see as a "rights of passage" not that but in fact, is what it is in our PanAfrican/African Diaspora community. It's no big deal, it's no little deal--it's like red kool-aid with a whole lot of sugar floating at the bottom.

    "Ya-Momma", "The Dozens" "Crackin'" "Siggin'" all of the above will never be one of those adolescent things or phases that one can "let ride until he moves on" because once AA, always AA. You never move on from the roots.

    ***Great Blog--Holla back***

  2. Jebena:

    Thanks. I've since added a yo momma jokes app to my igoogle page. Together we check them out. My son loves to giggle and crack people up. The Yo Momma Jokes stay. Have a great day and thanks for the comments. Erich
