My wife and I are white. We adopted our wonderful African American children at birth. We strive daily to help our son grow up to be a confident, proud and loving black man and our daughter to be a confident, proud and loving black woman. I hope our experiences will help others who are doing the same.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Devil's Food or Angel Food?

Jake was asking me which had chocolate in it, Devil's Food or Angel Food? I immediately began to discuss the fact that in our historical vernacular whites used language to describe black as evil and that we can find many reference to where black is bad and white is good. I went on to say that to this day these references can affect self esteem and Jake said, "I'm talking about cake, Dad. Why does everything we discuss have to be about race?" I said, "o.k., I understand." But, really it does matter. I also said, "Devil's Food and I definitely love Devil's Food."

Friday, July 9, 2010

I think it is important to have mainstream African American literature at our house

We just received our new edition of Ebony. In addition, to Time, National Geographic and Simthsonian floating around the house we think it is important to have mainstream African American literature available to all of us. My son, definitely purused last month's issue which had Prince, er the musician formerly known as Prince on the cover. It is also a good source of information for Andria and I. If you don't already have a subscription you might want to consider one.